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Дрезден-Херсон. 1900 км.

Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" привіз з Німеччини і передав у співпраці з Ukrainian Fire Fighters Foundation Артем Шеремет Andriy  Tverdovskyi пожежникам Херсонщини 60 пожежних рукавів для ліквідації наслідків повені, спричиненої підривом Каховської ГЕС.

ДЯКУЄМО ЗА ДОПОМОГУ #український координаційний центр дрезден, #Едуард Сусла, #BerufsfeuerwehrStadtZwickau#Olena kovalenko

Разом до ПЕРЕМОГИ!


Допомагати і випрошувати дві великі різниці. Щасливо і приємно коли розумієш, що закрив хоч частково запит військових, що допоміг тим чи іншим постраждалому населенню за людські донати.

Дякуємо всім, хто нам довіряє!

Минулої неділі Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" спільно з ГО "Об'єднання правозахисту громадян" відправили гуманітарну допомогу для постраждалого населення в Херсон.


Наш Міжнародний благодійний фонд « Незламна українська нація» працює далі!

Сьогодні майже 10 тон дезінфікуючого розчину відправлено колегам волонтерам на Дніпро!

Завтра так само будемо передавати харчові продукти, дезрочини, гідранти на Запоріжжя!

Все буде передано постраждалим під час підриву Каховськоі ГЕС, на потреби приведення до ладу територій.

Дякуємо усім італійським друзям, насамперед, Сергію Лагодичу, а також Ірині Сусловій, Галині Захарченко, Володимиру Пилипенку, Ільдару Альохіну! Дякуємо усім хлопцям у фермерському господарстві чоловіка Марини Ставнічук! За синергію співчуття людям і справжню роботу у будь-який час, за спільну енергію нестримного бажання і практичних дій (не пустої болтологіі) для Перемоги! А також відбудови України!


Every day we try to close at least a part of the requests and letters we receive. It is not easy to do this. We help everyone as much as possible.

The other day, 150 kg of buckwheat, 152 cans of stew, vegetables, canned goods and other products were delivered to the point where dinners are prepared and the population of Kupyansk is fed.

It is not easy for everyone, but we do not hesitate to help!


23/01/2023Our #International_charitable_fund"#Unbreakable_Ukrainian_nation"handed over another batch of humanitarian aid received from our partners in Germany, namely #Ukrainian_coordinating_centre_Dresdento the Charitable Fund "#Voices_of_children".

Among the donated items are generators, blankets, baking mixes, coconut milk, pasta, sweets, and more.

Thanks to our partners- #Eduardu_Suslaand #Natalija_Bock

Together to our Victory!

Everything will be Ukraine!


17/01/2023 our International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" received another batch of humanitarian aid for Ukraine from our partners from Germany - Ukrainian Coordination Center in Dresden.

Medical equipment, generators, clothes, baby food, pet food and many other useful aids that will be delivered to recipients in Dnipro, Mykolaiv, Poltava Oblast and other regions.

Thank you Eduard Susla and Natalia Bock

Together to our Victory!

Everything will be Ukraine!


Today to the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian nation" humanitarian aid was received from the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was handed over to us by the brotherly people Kazakhstan. It's almost over 15 tons of cargo, including food, clothing and hygiene products.

Maybe someone thinks that it is so simple, but behind these photos lies the titanic work of the foundation's employees and the nobility and desire to help the people of Kazakhstan.

In order to deliver the cargo, the driver had to cover a distance of 6,900 kilometers — Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, and also wait for the Caspian ferry crossing on Sunday due to a storm.

We thank the fraternal Kazakh people for their help and support in times of trials. We believe that Ukraine will definitely win and our friendship will only grow stronger over the years.

We are united by the strength of an indomitable spirit, therefore invincible. Solidarity and Freedom are the main values of our joint struggle for the future.

Thank you, friends, for your trust. We will definitely win!


For the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable #Ukrainian #nation" assistance to the Armed Forces and the affected communities has become an integral part of existence. Every day we have to deal with many letters and messages with various requests. Every day it becomes more and more difficult to know those who can help. When you ask for help, you hear different things. Sometimes the answer gets to the bone. You can come to your senses for a few minutes, but having gathered all your strength, you continue to do your difficult task, because you know that someone is waiting and counting on you.

No Fund can exist without funding and charitable contributions from both the Ukrainian community and the world community. In order to defeat the enemy and rebuild the country, all those who care must unite, because only together can we win this terrible battle.

Unfortunately, the war showed "who is who". She added strangers and strangers to friends, loved ones and made "friends" strangers. But there are those who are not tired of helping, be it with hryvnias, humanitarian aid, or good deeds.

From the management of the IBF" "#Unbreakable #Ukrainian #nation" thank you very much Mazur Irina Petrovna,Bread Svetlana Vasylivni,National medical academy postgraduate education name P.L.Shupyka, companies Colgate, LLC "Natural product-Vega» for the provided medicines and sets of toothpastes, which will definitely be given to the soldiers and the needy population.

We sincerely thank everyone who stands side by side with the Ukrainian people, who are worthy of freedom, truth and will, who help survive the most difficult times in its history and rebuild the country, for their cooperation.


Partner International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation",Grigory Kujoyan, the general director of BC Platforma Korolenkivska and Platforma Office Club since the beginning of the war has taken an active position in humanitarian aid to Ukrainians affected by the occupation, as well as to children and orphanages. During this time, more than 20 tons of grocery sets and more than 20 tons of warm clothes and shoes were purchased and delivered to citizens. Today, together with other volunteers, a whole bunch of humanitarian aid was sent to Izyum.

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WhatsApp Image 2022-11-03 at 14.32.01 (1).jpeg
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