Зроблена ще одна добра справа.
Дякую всім, хто долучився до підпису Петиції, про присвоєння
Звання Героя України (посмертно),
Марченку Олександру Олександровичу.
Сьогодні парламент підтримав запит до Президента України, щодо присвоєння звання Герой України з врученням ордена «Золота Зірка» (посмертно) Олександру Марченку - політичному діячу, народному депутату 8-го скликання - за незламність духу у відстоюванні національної ідеї. Загинув 6 березня 2022 року у селищі Мощун, відбиваючи атаку російських загарбників на Київ. Разом з іншими трьома бійцями прикривав відступ побратимів.
302 голоси - ЗА.
Сподіваємося, що Президент вшанує чин та подвиг Героя.
Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" щиро вітає
зі Святом народження Голову наглядової ради -
Марину Іванівну Ставнійчук !
Нехай Ваші перемоги будуть такими ж яскравими,
як національні барви нашої країни!
Залишайтеся завжди вільною в думках, вчинках і почуттях!
Рясних Божих благословінь Вам в усіх сферах життя!
Відмінного здоров’я та міцного імунітету від життєвих вірусів та негараздів!
Перемоги, миру, злагоди й достатку!
Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" сердечно вітає члена наглядової ради, талановитого вченого, доктора медичних наук, професора кафедри загальної хірургії № 1 Національного медичного університету імені О.О. Богомольця, засновника та очільника Міжнародного інституту кріохірургії, Рудольфінергаус клініка,
м. Відень, Австрія, Президента та Почесного Президента Світового товариства кріохірургії, Почесного члена Японського товариства медицини низьких температур, Лауреата Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки, Голову Українського лікарського товариства в Австрії, високоповажного Миколу Миколайовича Корпана з обранням членом-кореспондентом Національної академії наук України.
Дякуємо Вам за Ваше чуйне серце, умілі руки та теплі стосунки з пацієнтами.
Хай Ваша праця, дар і талант зробить багато людей здоровими і щасливими.
Зичимо здоровʼя, насолоди від життя, успішного втілення всіх творчих та наукових задумів, подальшого професійного зростання і Перемоги!
Відпрацювали ще один Благодійний вечір у Кременчуці на підтримку наших бійців.
Хочемо подякувати Кременчуцькій міській раді, Кременчуцькій військовій адміністрації за підтримку,
допомогу у організації та проведенні даного дійства.
Стомлені, але незламні!
Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" продовжує працювати на ПЕРЕМОГУ!
Чим більше дронів, тим менше окупантів на нашій землі. Саме вони є маленькими помічниками, які допомагають зберегти життя Захисників. Їм під силу зробити те, що не під силу мінометам та іншій зброї. Це «очі» та «руки» наших Воїнів на передовій!
Майже місяць тому Міжнародний благодійний фонд "Незламна українська нація" відкрив колективний збір коштів на придбання Куполу SKYWIPER-OMNI, для в/ч 1008.
Разом з друзями, знайомими і незнайомими, хто долучився до збору через мережі інтернет та розіграними лотами на вчорашньому благодійному вечорі аукціоні, який проходив у ресторанно-готельному комплексі Вілла Віта нам вдалося зібрати 500 000 гривень. Ще 5000 доларів для нас зібрали наші друзі та партнери з Українського дому в Сан Дієго.
До вчорашнього благодійного вечора долучилась делегація дружньої Литви, яку очолив радник посланник Литовської республіки в Україні Маріус Дунда та представники Словаччини.
Найактивнішим учасником розіграшу лотів став син Максим, Наталії та Олега Сендиків, які приїхали з Одеси. Йому дістались боксерські рукавиці підписані Віталієм Кличком та м’яч з підписом Йожефа Сабо. Саме йому було передано прапор 14 механізованої бригади імені Князя Романа Великого.
Найбільший донат за гільзу передану захисниками та розписану народним художником Юрієм Пацаном становив 100 000 гривень.
Гостей вітали Народна артистка України Катерина Бужинська, заслужений артист України Михайло Грицкан, які не зважаючи на свій перезавантажений гастрольний графік підтримали захід, а також популярна співачка Жанна Лтавська, та прекрасні молоді виконавці Костянтин та Олександра Ченгарі.
Хочеться подякувати всім, хто донатив, купував лоти, хто допомагав у організації, хто вірить в нашу Перемогу та разом її наближає. Svetlana Khlyebas Linas Maliska Nikolai Korpan Володимир Пилипенко Павло Скляров Юрій Пацан Anzhela Kirpich Аліна Захарченко Zhanna Ltavskaya Олександра Ченгар Konstantin Chenhar Anastasia Stavniichuk Marijus Dunda Петро Ставнійчук Катерина Бужинська 14 окрема механізована бригада імені князя Романа Великого
The International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" and the information and publishing center "Galaktika" have revived the National Project "Pride and Glory of Ukraine", which started a year before the full-scale war. On September 29, the Ukrainian House hosted a warm ceremony awarding military personnel, workers of education, culture, healthcare, and sports with the public award "Glory and Pride of Ukraine!" Among the awardees are foreign Ukrainians from the USA, Austria, Italy, foreigners who seriously volunteer and help our defenders, the Armed Forces!
Among the guests of honor is the famous Ukrainian surgeon, world-renowned scientist, head of the International Institute of Cryosurgery of the private Austrian clinic "RUDOLFINERHAUS" - Mykola Korpan! Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania — Tomas Ivanauskas and Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in Ukraine Volodymyr Pylypenko! The president of the Ukrainian House in San Diego in Southern California, USA — Mira Štefanyak Rubin!
Only those who have been to the East, who have seen the faces of our soldiers, truly understand what war is. She is bloody, painful, greedy. Burned to the background of the city, the village, where before the arrival of the "Russian peace" life was raging, children's laughter rang out...
We must win this battle, we must defeat the hated Muscovy. It is very difficult for our boys there. The highest human price, LIFE, is paid for every piece of liberated Ukrainian land.
The defenders of the Armed Forces lack combat aircraft, anti-drone and anti-aircraft defense, long-range weapons and, above all, a sufficient amount of ammunition.
In addition, our brave warriors lack cars, drones and much more.
They have to, as far as possible, look for any weak points in the enemy's defenses and block the supply routes of the Rashist troops.
On July 24, the management and volunteers of our Foundation visited Druzhkivka, Chasiv Yar, where fierce battles are taking place. We brought our heroes a little help, and most importantly, our moral support and respect.
We are an indomitable Ukrainian nation!!!
On the initiative of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" and its President Maryna Stavniychuk, with the support of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration, the final concert of the regional selection tour of the National Festival of Military Patriotic Song will be held in the CREATIVE SPACE "SCHEDRYK"
Star guest rock band "Kozak System"!
July 15
Start at 4:00 p.m.
Free entrance!!!
We invite everyone!!!
From 07/04/23, the LEGENDARY combrig 14, a separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great, Oleksandr Okhrimenko will lead the Odesa TCC.
Glory to Ukraine!
The national football team of Ukraine among doctors was created in February 2013.
Already in April of the same year, the team took part in the Romualdas Laurinavicius Cup international tournament, held in Vilnius (Lithuania). There were many victories and defeats. For ten years, the football team of Ukraine among doctors has become a strong and strong team.
The other day, the international football tournament started in Vienna (Austria).
The first game, and the first victory of our team against Venezuela 8:1 at the world football championship among doctors of two age groups.
The second game and also the victory of Ukraine. Germany - Ukraine: 1:5 use our doctors. Then Ukraine - Canada - 9:0!!!
In one of the photos, national team player, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Ivan Mykolayovych Soroka, and fan, Mykola Mykolayovych Korpan, Ukrainian cryosurgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, head of the Rudolfinerhaus clinic in Austria.
Good luck and new victories.
Anyone who helps knows what kind of work it is.
And so almost every day. The International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" has no right to stop its activities. We unload, load, send...
Thank you to everyone who never got tired of helping, donating, believing and bringing Victory closer.
Ukrainians in the war are united not only by the enemy. Every day we meet caring people who help others overcome difficulties. It is better to do it not alone, but with joint efforts.
Today, the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" and the #Kyiv_University_of_Law_NAS_of_Ukraine signed a joint Memorandum of Cooperation and Partnership
in the spheres of development of educational and information activities, culture, art, support of amateur creativity and sports, as well as charitable activities.
During the signing of the Memorandum with the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania Volodymyr Pylypenko and the Rector of the Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Professor, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Head of the International Center for Legal Problems of Intellectual Property at the Institute of State and Law.
The international charitable foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" began its activities after the full-scale attack of Russia on Ukraine. With the efforts of a small group of activists, today we work in many areas of charitable assistance. It is a pity that there are many open issues in which the state is not strong, and the people and the Armed Forces need a lot of support.
On 06/22/23, the Foundation handed over food and sweets to the Reverend of the Church of Saint Nicholas in Fastov, Archpriest Mykhailo Danilov, and to the Reverend of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Fastov, Archpriest Oleh Danilov, which will be given to the mothers of fallen soldiers of the Fastiv community. Eternal memory to our Heroes! Condolences to the relatives!
On 06/20/23, the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Lithuania in Poltava region was officially opened.
The official ceremony was attended by Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the Republic of Lithuania to Ukraine Valdemaras Sarapinas, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in the Poltava Region Volodymyr Pilypenko, Head of the Poltava OVA Dmytro Lunin, Head of the Poltava Regional Council Oleksandr Bilenky, deputies of various levels, heads of cities, communities and other dignitaries guests
The consulate will promote dialogue between scientists, sportsmen, cultural figures and entrepreneurs of the Poltava region and Lithuania. One of the key functions of the institution will be to protect the interests of citizens and legal entities of Lithuania located in the territory of the Poltava region.
As the honorary consul of the Republic of Lithuania in the Poltava region, Volodymyr Pilypenko, emphasized, the activity of the consulate also has a strategic purpose.
— Today, the entire Lithuanian people support the Ukrainians in the fight against the aggressor. After all, we share a common history and values. That is why I see our strategic task as helping Ukraine join the European Union as soon as possible, said Mr. Volodymyr.
The representatives of Poltava authorities thanked the leadership and citizens of the Republic of Lithuania for selfless economic and humanitarian support.
The opening of the honorary consulate in Poltava will be a powerful impetus to the further development of cooperation for the benefit of both states.
Congratulations, Volodymyr Pylypovich! We continue to work. Let's work together!
We work in Ukraine, we work for Ukraine, we work for the indomitable Ukrainian nation!
On the path of life, there were and are wonderful people, those who support, help, and take care of the Armed Forces around the clock. It is the defenders on the front line who need a lot of things.
Today, it is impossible to feel calm and remember the war only during times of anxiety.
Ukraine is on fire. But our hearts burn stronger than the fire of bombings.
We sincerely thank Mira Shtefanyak Rubin - the president of the Ukrainian House in San Diego, all American friends who share the disaster of war with us, Ukrainians who never tire of donating, and the Ukrainian army who inspires us with faith and hope in our Victory!
Last Sunday, a delegation including:
Jozef Zaťko — President of EADV (Slovakia),
#Юрий_Бошитский — rector of the Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences,
#Vasyl_Demyanchuk — director of Limited Liability Company TIVA,
#Svitlana_Kusekeeva is the head of the "Rodina" MBF.
The parties discussed actions to expand partnership relations and determine future priorities regarding joint charitable and philanthropic activities in Ukraine during the war.
These are the moments when you realize how lucky you are to have like-minded and good people.
The world needs to hear and know stories about the indomitability of Ukrainian women. Nothing is impossible for Ukrainian women! In this difficult time, many of them are doing everything to preserve the integrity of the state. They confidently talk about their achievements, share their experiences, and successfully realize their goals. Their perseverance, fortitude and courage are admired all over the world.
The national charity project "Guardian of Ukraine" is already 5 years old. The organizers of the event are "Galaktika" International Charity Fund and the "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" International Charity Fund. The event is held with the support and participation of representatives of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, heads of state administration bodies, local self-government and public associations.
On May 19, 2022, at the Lviv Art Palace, over 70 Ukrainian women were presented to the National recognition of the "Guardian of Ukraine" with the presentation of an order, a congratulatory letter from the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk, and a Book of Honor.
Military personnel, volunteers, state managers, heads of large and small enterprises, doctors, scientists, educators and others were present among the awardees.
Berehynia was greeted by: Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation", famous politician - Maryna Stavniychuk, People's Deputy of Ukraine - #Эвген_Petrunyak, Jozef Zaťko - President of EIDV Slovakia, Dean of the Lviv Eparchy of the OCU - Father #Олег_Древняк, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania - # Yaroslav_Viznyak, Director of the Lviv Palace of Arts — #Юрий_Viznyak, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania — Volodymyr Pylypenko and others.
A sincere tribute and a low bow to our courageous brave defenders of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great — #VOLKOVIY_NADIY_OLEKSANDRIVNI - SENIOR SERGEANT, MEDICAL STATION MEDICAL POINT #PAVLOVSKIY_TETYANI_ANATOLYIVNI - SOLDIER, GRENADE THROWER OF ONE OF THE SUBDIVISIONS To #SERHIYCHUK_MALVINA_VALERIIVNA - SERGEANT, SENIOR COMBAT MEDICAL for the flag presented by the fighters of the brigade . You are the best!
We would like to thank the team of the "Galaktika" UIVC, namely Iryna Kucher, Iryna Kovalskyi, Iryna Podolyan, Iryna Romanovska, Anastasia Stavniichuk, #Анастасия_Тышчук, #Vitalia_Tyshchuk, Anzhela Kirpich, #Valeria_Dudarenka, for the great organizational work done, as well as everyone who trusts us.
У Львівському Палаці мистецтв відбулися урочистості з нагоди заключної частини Міжнародної програми «Наукова еліта України». Засновником та організатором дійства є УІВЦ "Галактика".
У події взяли участь понад 70 вчених не тільки з України, а й представники інших країн. Вітальними листами "За вагомі здобутки та особистий внесок у розвиток науки України" та національною відзнакою "Науковець року" були вшанованіз ректори вищих навчальних закладів, професорський склад, доктори наук, доцети тощо... Інформацію про успіхи і досягнення представили у Книзі пошани.
Подію відкрили хвилиною мовчання, вшановуючи пам'ять загиблих ЗАХИСНИКІВ УКРАЇНИ, та виконанням Гімну України.
Привітати представників програми прибуло чимало гостей, зокрема: #Володимир_Семиноженко - голова Української федерації вчених, академік Національної академі наук України; #Олег_Зинюк - заступник голови Західного наукового центру НАН і МОН України; Юрій Візняк - доктор економічних наук, генеральний директор Львівського Палацу мистецтв; #Катерина_Головко - доктор юридичних наук, директор з розвитку Центру українсько-європейського наукового співробітництва, професор кафедри конституційного і адміністративного права Національного авіаційного університету; Володимир Пилипенко - почесний консул Литовської республіки, директор Навчально-наукового інституту міжнародного права Львівського університету бізнесу і права; #Оксана_Грищук - суддя конституційного суду України, доктор юридичних наук, професор.
Із музичними номерами виступили перед гостями учасники вокальної студії "Art Kids" (керівник та ведуча - Діана Макойда), Заслужений артист України Богдан Цісінський та ведуча події і солістка Львівського Палацу мистецтв Наталія Стасів.
Національне визнання "Науковець року" засновано для заохочення та відзначення наукової еліти, підвищення авторитету науковця, всебічної підтримки наукової, науково-технічної та інноваційної діяльності в Україні, розкриття професійних знань, вмінь, талантів вчених України, вшанування
праці науковців та висловлення їм поваги і глибокої вдячності
Ця подія в Україні відбувається щорічно в рамках святкування Міжнародного Дня науки в ім'я миру та розвитку
The team and partners of the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" congratulate the Head of the Foundation Zakharchenko Galina Ivanovna on receiving the Medal of Honor of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine V.F. Zaluzhnyi "For the drunkenness of the army". We wish you strength, health, patience and effort to continue your work. You are an incredibly strong person, an extraordinary personality, a talented leader who, by your example, charges those around you to keep believing, fight, and never lose optimism! You always thank everyone who is close to you, remaining the driving force in the things you start! Together to victory!
As part of the medical conference on March 23, 2023, among dentists of Ukraine, our foundation is planning to hold a charity auction in support of the Armed Forces. The auction will feature: 1. Painting by Honored Artist of Ukraine Yury Patsan. 2. Products of Ukrainian beadwork and embroidery masters. 3. RPV-16 and the flag of Ukraine signed by the command of the 14th OMBr named after Roman the Great 4. Study guide edited by Professor I.P. Mazur with signatures of all authors Let's get closer to victory together!
Лоти, що не підуть до Національного Музею медицини України, отримають ті, хто задонатить найбільшу суму за експонат.
Скріншот донатів та обрані лоти надсилайте на пошту : ukraininnation2022@gmail.com
International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian nation" informs about that cooperation with the Honored Artist of Ukraine Olena Bilokon cancelled.
A charity concert tour has been launched "Prayer for Ukraine", which was organized by the Foundation, the artist used for her own purposes to spread and raise her name and image.
Without the Foundation's management, she started an independent entrepreneurial activity called "Everything will be Ukraine", which is not connected with the International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation".
A volunteer certificate was issued to Olena Bilokon 002 is considered not valid.
management of the Supervisory Board of the Fund
On January 14, the city of Fastiv will take place on Victory Square Charity fair in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The event is organized by CO "#International_Charity_Foundation"#Unbreakable_Ukrainian_nation»» and RG"Parish of Saint Nicholas" of the Kyiv Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (OCU) in Fastiv.
We invite everyone who wants to attend the event and help raise funds for the soldiers of military unit A 4438 for a thermal imaging sight with a range of 1000 meters, the cost of which is 60,000 ₴.
We will be sincerely grateful to everyone who did not get tired, for the immense help to our defenders and someone's life was saved.
We thank everyone who helps to survive the most difficult times in the history of the Ukrainian people.
Today, a beautiful, wise, amazing, modest manager, general director celebrates his anniversary Kharkiv confectionery factory "Cond-Class", Volodymyr Skubiy.
The International Charitable Foundation Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation and the Ukrainian Information and Publishing Center "Galaktika" sincerely congratulate their partner and sponsor!
We are honored to know, communicate and work together for Victory!
Every day you create for the good of our Ukraine! With your tireless work, great patriotism, wisdom and nobility, you ignite and inspire thousands of hearts!
We wish you all the best!
So that it was easy to work, the wildest dreams came true, and health was a reliable friend.
And most importantly, we wish for the Victory of Ukraine!
In our 14th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great, which destroys enemies at the front, celebrations were held on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the creation of the military unit.
Commander of the Princely Brigade, colonel Oleksandr Okhrimenko, congratulating the personnel on the birthday of the brigade, thanked each of the soldiers for their service, for creating the history of our military unit and Ukraine.
- Our Princely Brigade and our Armed Forces begin with each of us. And Victory depends on each of us, and therefore, the future of Ukraine! All of us are aware of the responsibility that rests on us. We all carry in our hearts the memory of those we lost! We remember what trials we had to go through, and we know how many of them still lie ahead. But we are strong, united and clearly know our goal - victory! To achieve it, I wish each of us strength, endurance and good Cossack health! Glory to the 14th brigade! Glory to Ukraine!
The princely soldiers also received greetings from the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleg Synegubov, the head of the National Police Headquarters in the Kharkiv Region, the third-rank police general Volodymyr Tymoshko, and representatives of higher headquarters. Hundreds of our comrades were awarded state and departmental awards, Commander's Commendation of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great, territorial community awards from various regions of Ukraine, commemorative and valuable gifts.
The military band of the Princely Brigade and our long-time good friend, the favorite performer of the defenders of Ukraine, Khrystyna Panasiuk, greeted the brothers.
We are proud of our brothers, we are moving forward, we are winning a single Victory for all!
October 19, 2022
Today, a brave soldier, a beautiful son, a beloved husband, a dear father, the commander of the 14th mechanized brigade named after Prince Roman the Great, is celebrating his birthday Colonel Oleksandr Okhrymenko.
Oleksandr Petrovych! Congratulations! Victorious peace above all and above all, fulfillment of dreams and inspiration!
Be happy!
We believe and trust! Blessed and the fastest return with victory to the arms of relatives!
To the progressive community of Europe and the world
regarding the Amnesty International report
The day before, the head of the international human rights organization Amnesty International (NGO) Agnès Callamard presented a "new study", namely, "Ukraine: military endangering civilians by locating forces in residential areas - a new study areas - new research)".
The worthless report published has nothing to do with neutrality, impartiality, empathy and the protection of civilians. It supports the side of evil, is manipulative and facilitates the actions of the aggressor country.
Amnesty International said the Ukrainian military is putting civilians at risk by setting up bases and placing weapons in residential areas, including schools and hospitals, while defending against a full-scale Russian invasion.
War in the conditions of the city (urban warfare) is not prohibited by international law, and is a violation only in fact. Ukraine has signed the Declaration on School Safety and, together with the civilized world, adheres to human standards.
To protect the civilian population, the Armed Forces of Ukraine take the maximum of all possible measures. In places of active hostilities, the Government of the country stopped the educational process. During the war, Ukraine evacuates the population, provides support both to internally displaced persons and to those citizens who found themselves outside of Ukraine, saving their lives.
Today, the Ukrainian people are defending themselves against the attack of the aggressor country, which violates all norms of international law, which rapes, tortures and kills our children and subjects the civilian population to medieval torture. Therefore, it is the leaving of populated areas of Ukraine alone with military personnel of the Russian Federation that poses the greatest threat to human rights.
The behavior of Amnesty International is not about finding and conveying the truth to the world, creating a false balance between the criminal and the victim, between the country that destroys the Ukrainian nation, incinerates cities and villages, and the country that desperately fights and protects its people and the whole continent from the bloody horde . The only thing that poses a threat to the lives of Ukrainians is the army of Russian torturers and rapists who came to Ukraine to commit genocide.
Abstract of the analysis of the report
ad 1. First of all, at the beginning of the report, the photo published by Ms. Callamard with Ukrainian soldiers-defenders near Slovyansk does not correlate at all with the topic and content of the "new study", does not reflect "schools and hospitals" that were allegedly "used by Ukrainian troops as military bases » ... Therefore, the documentary photo-fact and statement are groundless, subjective and scientifically unrelated to the topic and content of the publication.
ad 2. "Ukraine's tactics violate international humanitarian law, as they turn civilian objects into military targets." This statement of Ms. Callamard is deliberately completely distorted. Because it is the Russian aggressor who is shooting at multi-story residential buildings of peaceful Ukrainian residents of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Mariupol, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Lysychansk, Chuguyevo and many dozens and hundreds of other peaceful settlements of victims of Ukraine. At the same time, it is the Russian invading forces who barbarically destroy peaceful civilian public structures throughout Ukraine, such as hospitals, dispensaries, pharmacies, higher scientific institutions (Medical University in Kharkiv), museums, theaters, churches (Sviatohirska Lavra), roads, communications. So, the statement is deliberately twisted in favor of the Russian attacker-aggressor.
ad 3. Ms. Callamard's claim that Amnesty International does not know that "the Ukrainian military asked or helped civilians to evacuate from nearby buildings, failing to take possible precautions to protect civilians" is a deliberately false fact and does not correspond to reality.
ad 4. Callamard's "Ukrainian government should immediately deploy its forces away from populated areas or evacuate the civilian population from areas where the military operates" - a statement that is dilettantish and should be addressed to the Russian barbarian invaders, not the Ukrainian defending soldiers, which defend the legal territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state in accordance with international legal treaties and acts.
ad 5. The description of individual "witnesses" cannot be scientifically and statistically reliable and was taken by Ms. Callamard as the basis of this report as a "new study" ...
1) The published "new research" by Mrs Agnes Callamard on behalf of Amnesty International is a slander with the spread of known false fabrications and malicious statements that disgrace the Armed Forces of Ukraine and its reputation in the eyes of the world public in a brutal war of aggression with side of the Russian Federation. Also, the report is consistent with one of the narratives of false propaganda of the Russian Federation that has been heard since 2014.
2) We condemn the report published by the head of Amnesty International, Ms. Agnes Callamard, as one-sided and purposeful disinformation to accuse and denigrate the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which are restraining the Russian military invasion and protecting Ukraine's own civilian population from the criminal aggressor.
3) We condemn the genocide of the Russian military invaders-terrorists and rapists against the Ukrainian civilian population in the unjust war in Ukraine.
4) We demand the immediate removal of Agnes Callamard from her duties as Secretary General of the Amnesty International.
5) We propose to create an international public commission to investigate the "new study" published by Mrs. Agnes Callamard as Secretary General of the Amnesty International in her scandalous report dated August 4, 2022.
6) We recommend to comprehensively and objectively verify the fact of deliberate purposeful acquittal of the Russian criminal-aggressor Ms. Agnes Callamard, Amnesty International and her accusations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as a defender of its people and the legal territory of Ukraine, through the prism of the probable fact of international corruption.
Chairman of theSupervisory Board Maryna Stavniychuk
Chairman of the Foundation Galyna Zakharchenko
Members of the Supervisory Board
Mykola Korpan — doctor of medical sciences, professor of the Department of General Surgery No. 1 of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets, Kyiv, founder and head of the International Institute of Cryosurgery, Rudolfinerhaus Clinic, Vienna, Austria, President and Honorary President of the World Society of Cryosurgery, Honorary Member of the Japanese Society of Cryogenic Medicine, member of the Main Council of SFULT (World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Societies), Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology;
Олександр Охріменко — командир 14- тої окремої механізованої бригади імені Князя Романа Великого, полковник Збройних сил України , український кадровий військовослужбовець , учасник_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Russian-Ukrainian war ;
Volodymyr Pylypenko — candidate of legal sciences, honored lawyer of Ukraine, director of the Ukrainian Center for Socio-Legal Studies, representative of culture and education of the Region of Sicily and the commune of Agrigento in Ukraine;
Iryna Mazur — doctor of medical sciences, professor of the stomatology department of P. L. Shupyk National University of Health Care of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, President of the NGO "Association of Dentists of Ukraine", Representative of Ukraine in the World Federation of Dentists (FDI), Representative of Ukraine in the Standing Committee of Doctors of Europe (SRME), President of the International Dental Association "Commonwealth" of Eastern Europe Academy of Dentistry International (ADI).
Fund partners
Olena Bilokon — Honored Artist of Ukraine, soloist of the National Presidential Orchestra, teacher of folk singing at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts;
Alfredo Prado - Rector of the Academy of Arts in Agrigento "MICHELANGELO" (Sicily). In 2019, the Academy accepted students from Ukraine for the first time and plans to open a representative office in Kyiv. He is one of the initiators of organizing regular annual days of Ukrainian culture in Agrigento;
Guo Kai is a candidate of sciences majoring in Art History. In cooperation with the Chinese Embassy, city councils of Ukrainian cities, regularly organized investment meetings, in particular in the Ukrainian agricultural complex, contributed to the establishment of Chinese tourism in Ukraine and the opportunity for Chinese students to study in Ukrainian universities in Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv;
Mykhailo Danyliv - Reverend Father of the Fastiv district of the Church of St. Nicholas in the city of Fastov Archpriest;
Volodymyr Skubiy — Director of "COND-CLASS" LLC, a reliable partner not only in Ukraine, but also abroad, a philanthropist;
Katie Dolan - Manager of the successful businesses River's Edge Ranch, LLC, Katie's Kennels™ and Green Isle Rentals, LLC in Red Lake Falls, State of Minnesota, USA,._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ She is a member of IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association) and IDTA.
Famous scientists, public figures, businessmen
Anatoly H. ZAGORODNY — Academician, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
Volodymyr P. SHYROBOKOV — Academician of the National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
Vitaly I. TSYMBALYUK — Academician, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
Mykhailo M. POPLAVSKY — Rector of the National University of Culture and Arts, author of the idea and general producer of the nationwide television project "Ukrainian Song of the Year";
Viktor V. HORBACH — Advisor to the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
Volodymyr G. PALANT — Founder and General Director of "GreenCert" LLC, initiator and co-author of numerous national and international projects, philanthropist;
Serhii P. IVASHCHUK — Deputy of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council, General Director of the Research and Production Agricultural Firm "Perlyna Podillya" LLC;
Yaroslava FERGOLEN — Doctor, Chairman of the Ukrainian Medical Society in Germany, member of the Main Council of SFULT (World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Societies);
Volodymyr M. LESHCHENKO — Deputy Director of the research and production firm "Puls", Kyiv, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology;
Yulia O. KRAMARENKO — Director of Optima-Engineering LLC, Kryvyi Rih;
Anatoly P. FEDORUK — Mayor of the city of Bucha, Kyiv region.
June 24 - July 10, 2022
The International Charitable Foundation "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation", with the assistance of the Rivne Military Administration, Department of Culture and Tourism, held a charity concert program "Prayer for Ukraine" with the participation of Honored Artist of Ukraine Olena Bilokon. Olena is a partner of the Foundation and is responsible for the cultural and artistic direction. The tour officially began on June 24 with a visit to Poland with representatives of the Goshchan community and lasted until July 10. Klesiv, Zarichne, Dubrovytsia, Korets, Rokytne, Dubno, Berezne, Goshcha, Zdolbuniv, Rivne, Ostrig, as well as the soldiers of the military units warmly welcomed the performances of the folk singer.
Staying in this picturesque region gave us the opportunity to get acquainted not only with sincere and caring people who warmly welcomed the artist and gave her strength, but also with the picturesque nature of the Rivne region.
According to estimates, thanks to Olena Bilokon, the International Fund "Unbreakable Ukrainian Nation" received financial assistance in the amount of 56,102 hryvnias to help our Armed Forces. Thank to everyone who cares for your support, understanding and trust! Sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed, helped and participated in the events, namely: the head of the Rivne Regional State Administration Vitaly Koval, the Department of Culture and Tourism, the heads of communities who hospitably hosted Elena Bilokon.
We have one family, we have one goal - VICTORY. We have to be a reliable rear for our defenders. We must fight together, each in his own place. It is necessary to act, not to get tired, to help! We thank everyone who stands side by side with Ukraine, which is worthy of freedom, truth and will, who helps to survive the most difficult times in its history. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!